Sunday, March 16, 2014

Just Cats

This is what happens when a photographer gets bored...

Yeah, so, cats. Yes, I am 18. Yes, I already have two cats. This is a judge free zone!

I would love to say I figured out something profound while stalking these moonchkins... but really I was just playing with buttons and practicing my "quick draw" setting changes LOL. So, if you're having a bad day I hope these kitties cheer you up, or at least make the day less bad. If you're not having a bad day, enjoy the kitties anyways!

And just an extra, a photo I snapped of one of my students and the wonderful Katy. This photo and this pair fill my heart with warmth. 
This is supposed to be B/W... Blogger, again, messing with colour balance!!



A Million in One

This is what happens when a photographer sifts through old photos...

So, I'm sifting through old photos while deleting to make room for my new ones, when I got stuck on this particular image. It is a photo of Katy that just sent a sense of freedom swirling through my body. I knew I wanted to do something with it-- but what? As I started cropping and playing around with colours I realized I had saved like 10 different versions of the same image already. It reminded me of something I learned long ago- there is always more than meets the eye.

Such a kind eye...

One image contains millions of completely different images. You simply have to be willing to look.

