Monday, January 6, 2014

There's Another World Inside Me

This is what happens when a photographer is left alone in a barn with a camera

 We all have them. Those rooms or closets that no one has dared to enter in years. Well today, I dared to enter the attic in the barn.

This photographic heaven has been in existence for way longer than I've been alive and collecting dust for quite a few of those years. I have refused to go up there since I came to this barn almost 4 years ago... but today it literally felt like something was pushing me up the stairs (creepy, right?). Well whatever it was I need to thank it, because it lead to an hour and a half of photographic excitement.

After about 20 minutes of rolling around in the dirt cloaked beauty, I kind of just found myself wondering around the barn... snapping photos of anything and everything that caught my eye. It's funny how you can be somewhere for so long and still discover things that have been right in front of your face all along...

Finally I had made my way out of the barn itself... only to find myself in the paddocks with the horses! :-) Snowflake was lovely enough to model for me, and what a model she was!

Okay I was pretty, can I have treats now???
This cutie pie is just the best snuggle buddy when it's 35 degrees outside! (Which, by the way, it was the entire time I was out there. Yeah, I couldn't feel anything when I got in my car... it's all worth it ;) )

I was done with Snow, but boy was I not done taking pictures. I hopped the fence a couple of times and found myself with my lovely buggy :). Her buddy Szedoso was awesome enough to appear in some of the photos in the most convenient spot of course!

This is going to sound absolutely mental, but I was literally in another world this entire shoot. Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was the smell of horses everywhere... but I forgot completely about time, about the cold, about my sniffling clogged up nose, everything disappeared and it was just me and my surroundings (my surroundings and I??). In my recent shoots I think I had forgotten about this place. I used to go there every time I would pick up my camera, especially in the beginning. I couldn't be more thankful for this day, for my life. 



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